Faculty News
Curated by Tom Wolf, Professor of Art History at Board College, and students in his class “History of Art in Woodstock”
February 25 – April 9, 2017
Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild

Selections: Woodstock Ceramic Arts Today features work by contemporary ceramic artists Rich Conti, Eric Ehrnschwender, Sophie Fenton, Mary Frank, Robert Hessler, Jolyon Hofsted, Brad Lail and Jennifer Bowskill, Young Mi Kim, Joyce Robins, Arlene Shechet, Grace Wapner, and Elena Zang.
Exhibition cohosted by the Historical Society of Woodstock.
Exhibition generously sponsored by the Bard College Center for Civic Engagement
Faculty News
Carl Walters and Woodstock Ceramic Arts
February 4- May 21, 2017
Morgan Anderson Gallery

The first major exhibition of ceramic art pioneer Carl Walters’ work since the 1950s, this retrospective surveys his over 40 year career within the context of ceramic arts in Woodstock, from the Brydcliffe arts and crafts colony in the early 20th century to the modernists of the Maverick art colony in the 1920s and 30s.
Public opening reception
Saturday, February 4, 5-7 pm
Symposium led by Tom Wolf, Bard College, Saturday, March 10, 2:00 pm
for more information visit
Faculty News
Susan L. Aberth has a chapter in a newly available study on the British/Mexican surrealist Leonora Carrington, titled ‘An allegery to collaboration’: the early formation of Leonora Carrington’s artistic vision” in Leonora Carrington and the International Avant-Garde, Jonathan P. Eburne and Catriona McAra, eds., Manchester University Press, 2017.