Faculty News
Femininity in Asian Women Artists’ Work from China, Korea and USA
If the Shoe Fits
by Patricia Karetzky
ISBN: 978-0-9536541-2-3
c. 46 pages, 40 + illus. (2012)
.epub format
Prof. Patricia Karetzky discusses the metaphor of the shoe and how it is present in different women artists’ work in China, Korea and USA. The artists discussed are: Peng Wei, Nina Kuo, Yin Xuizhen, Cai Jin, Xin Song, Il Sun Hon, Betty Yaquin Zhou and Mimi Kim.
This ebook is the first in a new series from KT press and is available as an .epub only. It is compatible with Apple ibooks and can be read on many different color e-readers.
Vitrine Project
Curated by Patrica Manos ’12
Selected images from the works of Olin Dows (1904-1981)

Olin Dows Painting Mural in Private House, ca. 1935
This exhibit displays samples from a collection of photographs from the Estate of Olin Dows donated to the Bard College Archives . Included are images of Dows’ murals in Rhinebeck and Hyde Park post offices, decorative wall murals, and WWII paintings completed as part of his military service. This display compliments the launch of a digital collection of Dows’ work viewable at www.bard.edu/archives or hrvh.org.
Opening reception: August 28, 2012 at 11:00 am
August 28-September 28, 2012
The Charles P. Stevenson Jr. Library
Vitrine Display Cases
Student Opportunities
McDaris Fine Art, located on Warren Street in Hudson, is looking for an intern beginning as soon as possible. This is an excellent opportunity for students interested in contemporary art. McDaris Fine Art represents artists domestically and abroad working in all media including photography, video, and performance art. The gallery also holds special events from time to time – poetry readings, screenings, artists’ presentations, musical performances, preservation workshops and the like. Please contact Wendy McDaris directly at [email protected]
To visit the gallery and gallery website: http://www.mcdarisfineart.com/

Faculty News

The APS has awarded a Franklin Grant to Laurie Dahlberg to support the development of her manuscript:
Amateur v. amateur: Photography and the Devolution of a Gentleman’s Art.