The New York Times Digital Edition

Good news! The library now subscribes to the New York Times Digital Edition. For access you’ll need to register at the New York Times site. Please use your Bard email address.

Do you already have a paid account and want to cancel your subscription? You will need to contact NYT Customer Care before trying to sign up for the complimentary Bard subscription. [email protected] / 800-591-9233 / Chat 

Our subscription covers mostly current articles and unfortunately, NYT Cooking and the Crosswords are not included.

Are you looking for an older article? Your best bet would be to use The Historical New York Times , it covers 1850 to 3 years ago.

Once you have your account set-up, you can just go to, no need to visit the library’s page after initial set-up.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

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