Zine Workshop series!

Stevenson Library is pleased to announce a series of Zine workshops featuring our unique collection of zines. Hosted by archives assistant Michael Orsini, these workshops will take place on the first floor of the library and offer the opportunity to explore our expansive and unique collection of zines, make your own zine, and learn how our zines are organized and catalogued. Participants are welcome to come to any or all of the workshops.

Session 1: Round Table (Tuesday, Feb. 4, 5-6 p.m.)
This introductory workshop will begin by inviting participants to explore the collection and select a zine that speaks to their interests. After everyone has selected a title, the group will gather to discuss their selections, their thoughts on the collection as a whole and its history.

Session 2: Zine-making (Tuesday, Feb. 11, 5-6 p.m.)
A collaborative zine-making session. After the group decides on a theme for their zine, participants will each create a page that will be bound with the others at the end of the workshop. The library will provide old magazines for content as well as all the necessary tools for making a zine. Photocopies of the completed zine will be made and participants will all receive a copy.

Session 3: Processing (Tuesday, Feb. 18, 5-6 p.m.)
A demonstration of how zines are added to the collection. The group will collaborate on identifying key bibliographic information and make decisions on how to best describe a given title. This is also a chance for attendees to donate their own zines to the collection and see them processed and added in real time!

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