Call for student reading groups!

As we begin spring semester, the Bard Reading Initiative and the Dean of the College would like to announce a call for student-organized reading groups and circles. The deadline for Proposals February 14, 2025. Submit your proposal here.

Reading groups do not need to be linked to a particular course, curriculum, or program. On the contrary, we hope that students take advantage of this opportunity to read books for entertainment or edification beyond the formal structure of classes. Books could be fiction, non-fiction, theory, philosophy, poetry, science writing, or anything students choose. We want to encourage sustained reading as an enjoyable method for understanding ourselves, our world, and our place in it, and emphasize the importance of reading as a group practice for building communities of thought and activity.

The Bard Reading Initiative will provide support for approved groups by purchasing inexpensive copies of the selected book for all group members as well as refreshments for group meetings ($100 total). Groups should commit to meeting regularly at least four times throughout the semester.  Receipts should be submitted to Antonio Ortiz at [email protected]

Interested students should submit a brief proposal describing the book, the rationale for choosing it, and a list of at least three (3) students committed to joining the reading group.  In addition, please submit a note of support from a Bard College faculty or staff member. Notes of support should be emailed to [email protected] with the subject line “BRI reading groups.”  We will host an end-of-year reception to share thoughts about the whole experience!

Submit your proposal here by February 14, 2025. 


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Exhibit Reception

Closing reception: This Book Makes Sense student artist book exhibit
Tuesday, February 11 from 4-5:30
Stevenson Library, third floor

Join us on the third floor for a closing reception celebrating an exhibit of artist books from Tatjana Myoko von Prittwitz’s Fall 2024 studio arts class This Book Makes Sense. This exhibit features works by 11 students based on their mindful exploration of the senses – the way they were experiencing the world through the senses: eye, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind. The goal was to expand the vocabulary of the senses by examining and liberating their power. Additional inspiration was drawn from the Artist Book Collection at CCS. Each artist book is a testimony of the students’ unique creative journey, discovering their surroundings with a fresh perspective. A book of their senses – a book that makes sense.

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BYO Book Group!

BYO Book Group
Wednesday, February 12, 5-6 pm
Stevenson Library (First floor!)

Do you enjoy reading and talking about reading? Join the BYO Book Group at Stevenson Library! No assigned reading — just a place to connect with others and chat about what you’re reading, watching, or listening to. Happens on the lower level of the library. Snacks provided! Initial meeting will be Wednesday, February 12 from 5-6 p.m.

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Zine Workshop series!

Stevenson Library is pleased to announce a series of Zine workshops featuring our unique collection of zines. Hosted by archives assistant Michael Orsini, these workshops will take place on the first floor of the library and offer the opportunity to explore our expansive and unique collection of zines, make your own zine, and learn how our zines are organized and catalogued. Participants are welcome to come to any or all of the workshops.

Session 1: Round Table (Tuesday, Feb. 4, 5-6 p.m.)
This introductory workshop will begin by inviting participants to explore the collection and select a zine that speaks to their interests. After everyone has selected a title, the group will gather to discuss their selections, their thoughts on the collection as a whole and its history.

Session 2: Zine-making (Tuesday, Feb. 11, 5-6 p.m.)
A collaborative zine-making session. After the group decides on a theme for their zine, participants will each create a page that will be bound with the others at the end of the workshop. The library will provide old magazines for content as well as all the necessary tools for making a zine. Photocopies of the completed zine will be made and participants will all receive a copy.

Session 3: Processing (Tuesday, Feb. 18, 5-6 p.m.)
A demonstration of how zines are added to the collection. The group will collaborate on identifying key bibliographic information and make decisions on how to best describe a given title. This is also a chance for attendees to donate their own zines to the collection and see them processed and added in real time!

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Sproj help session!

Calling all seniors! To help you get back in the groove after break, the library is offering a 2 hour drop-in help session this Friday, February 7 from 2-4 pm in the computer lab. Librarians will be on hand to help you find and access sources you need to move your project forward, manage your citations with tools like Zotero, & more. There will (of course) be snacks!

Can’t make it? Stop by the research help desk or request an appointment to meet 1:1 with a librarian anytime.

See you around the library!

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New Exhibition of Artist’s Books

Stevenson Library is pleased to announce a new exhibition on the first floor: Creative Maladjustment features a selection of Artists’ Books from our collection in conversation with Project 2025.

Join us for an opening reception on Tuesday, February 4 at 2 pm. This exhibit will be on view through February 28.


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Experimental Humanities Sound Booth at Stevenson Library

Experimental Humanities Sound Booth at Stevenson Library
5:30-7:00 pm Wednesday, January 29
Record your thoughts about this political moment and become a part of Bard history in the Experimental Humanities Portable Sound Booth. The booth, designed, built, and managed by Bard students and faculty, is timed to coincide with the 2024 election cycle. We hope to record as many community members as possible in this important moment. Interviews or self-recordings will be archived and remain anonymous. Students, faculty, staff are all welcome.

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Misinformation Workshop

Misinformation & You: The first 100 Days
Wednesday, Jan 29 7-8 pm
Stevenson Library (first floor)

False and misleading information–in all its forms–is having profound effects on democracy and civic life around the world. World leaders regularly weaponize false stories for political gain, and social media sites such as Meta are backing off fact checking initiatives. In this interactive workshop, we will explore how information, misinformation, and disinformation are disseminated and consumed, how this affects civic life, and the role we play in these dynamics as citizens. Together we’ll examine recent statements from the White House, sleuth out the facts, and discuss strategies for dealing with misinformation during the first 100 days of the presidency and beyond.

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Shut Up & Sproj

Work on your Senior Project in a calm, quiet, and supportive space. By showing up for your project at the same time each week, you can turn 1.5 hours of focused work into a stable routine that yields real results over time.

Fridays from 3:30 to 5:00 pm in Stevenson 402.

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Study Breaks!

Stressed? Even during crunch time, it’s important to take breaks to help you stay alert and manage stress.

Wednesday December 11 4-5 pm — visit with some of Bard’s Therapy Dogs visit brought to you by Bard Wellness.

Friday, December 13, 12-1 pm — Gordon the therapy dog will be here for his last visit of the semeser!

Monday December 16 3:30-4:30 — come to the lower level do so some origami with librarian Shirra!

ANYTIME — Make a contribution the coloring posters on the second & third floor bulletin boards anytime you need a quick break!

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