Introducing: The Nest!

Please join us Wednesday, March 26 from 6:30-8 pm for an opening celebration of The Nest, a new student installation in the library.

Designed and constructed by architecture students Mia Lesjak, Narges Ghaznawi, Jessica Ward ‘26, The Nest serves as a communal space for reading, gaming, or other functions. It will be on the first floor of the library through the end of the semester.

Inspired by the Afghan and Iranian tradition of the Sandali, The Nest aims to be a versatile space where the occupant decides its function—be it for reading, socializing, napping, gaming, or more. Its whimsical form, translucent curtains, delicate handmade mobile, and abundant natural light create an atmosphere of warmth, joy, and hope—countering the notion of solitude. The inclusion of intricate beadwork and handcrafted details on the mobile highlights the craft of women involved in its creation, reinforcing a sense of femininity and care.

Sustainability played a key role in the construction of The Nest, with most materials sourced through reusing and repurposing, demonstrating a commitment to environmentally responsible design.

This project was created with the support and collaboration of the Bard College Architecture Department, Stevenson Library, and Bard Reading Initiative.



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Janet Malcolm Exhibit

Janet Malcolm: Critical Collage on view in Stevenson library March 27- May 30

Opening Reception Thursday, March 27 2-4 p.m.

Janet Malcolm: Critical Collage presents the first institutional exhibition of the artist’s extensive work in collage. Best known as a critic for the New Yorker, where she wrote for over fifty years, and the author of Psychoanalysis: The Impossible Profession (1977) and The Silent Woman: Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes (1994), amongst many other books, Malcolm was also an avid collagist who made work out of a range of papers that process and reorganize themes in her writing, and which also point to the artist’s personal history. A myriad of languages appear here; psychological papers gather and fracture; the German sculptor Eva Hesse and the American poet Emily Dickinson are frequent muses. Much of this material is rendered in a visual language indebted to the historical avant-gardes, especially the work of Kurt Schwitters. Rather than insist on originality, Malcolm understood the collage method as an intimate way to assess the world in which she lived, and to use the printed page to make meaning in ways different from those typically expected of her.

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Library Salon: Belonging at Bard

Belonging at Bard: A Library Salon

Tuesday, March 25
6 – 8 pm

At our next Library Salon, senior sociology student Sarina Diaz will share her research on the importance of affinity groups to student success and wellness. All are welcome to join us for this important conversation! Refreshments will be provided. This event is co-sponsored by Bard Warr;ors.


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Zotero Workshop!

Zotero for Everyone
Friday, March 28
2 – 4 p.m. 
Library Computer Lab (room 206)

Zotero is a free, open-source citation management tool that helps you keep track of your research and generate citations with ease. In this workshop, we will take you through the basics of setting up and using Zotero, with plenty of time for questions and troubleshooting.
Whether you’re brand new to Zotero or you’ve dabbled and have some questions, join us to learn how to get the most out of this powerful tool.
Can’t make it? Ask a Librarian or check out our Zotero guide.


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Writing the Introduction & Conclusion of your Senior Project

Senior Project introductions and conclusions can be tricky to write. If you need inspiration, join Rob Culp, Julia Rosenbaum, and Éric Trudel on Monday, April 7, in Olin LC 115. They’ll dispense tips, take your questions, and make you glad you came.

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Library Salon!

Introducing a new discussion series at Stevenson Library, Library Salons. Library salons are opportunities for the Bard community to exchange knowledge and ideas about current events and issues. At our first salon, this Tuesday, February 20 join us at 5 pm for a student-led discussion about the historical roots of today’s rhetoric and policies around citizenship, equality, and belonging in the United States. All are welcome!

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Black History Trivia Night!

This Thursday, Feb. 20 from 5-7 pm, celebrate Black History Month and test your knowledge at Black History Trivia Night!  Bring friends or come solo and join a team when you get here. We’ll have pizza for all and awesome prizes for the winners! Happens on the first floor.

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Literature Review Workshop

If you need write a literature review, this workshop’s for you. Join Jane Smith on Wednesday, February 19, 5:00–6:15 pm, in Olin 204. You’ll learn why the literature review is a crucial element of research writing, pick up tips for writing a good one, and practice writing a basic review.

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Call for student reading groups!

As we begin spring semester, the Bard Reading Initiative and the Dean of the College would like to announce a call for student-organized reading groups and circles. The deadline for Proposals February 14, 2025. Submit your proposal here.

Reading groups do not need to be linked to a particular course, curriculum, or program. On the contrary, we hope that students take advantage of this opportunity to read books for entertainment or edification beyond the formal structure of classes. Books could be fiction, non-fiction, theory, philosophy, poetry, science writing, or anything students choose. We want to encourage sustained reading as an enjoyable method for understanding ourselves, our world, and our place in it, and emphasize the importance of reading as a group practice for building communities of thought and activity.

The Bard Reading Initiative will provide support for approved groups by purchasing inexpensive copies of the selected book for all group members as well as refreshments for group meetings ($100 total). Groups should commit to meeting regularly at least four times throughout the semester.  Receipts should be submitted to Antonio Ortiz at [email protected]

Interested students should submit a brief proposal describing the book, the rationale for choosing it, and a list of at least three (3) students committed to joining the reading group.  In addition, please submit a note of support from a Bard College faculty or staff member. Notes of support should be emailed to [email protected] with the subject line “BRI reading groups.”  We will host an end-of-year reception to share thoughts about the whole experience!

Submit your proposal here by February 14, 2025. 


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Exhibit Reception

Closing reception: This Book Makes Sense student artist book exhibit
Tuesday, February 11 from 4-5:30
Stevenson Library, third floor

Join us on the third floor for a closing reception celebrating an exhibit of artist books from Tatjana Myoko von Prittwitz’s Fall 2024 studio arts class This Book Makes Sense. This exhibit features works by 11 students based on their mindful exploration of the senses – the way they were experiencing the world through the senses: eye, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind. The goal was to expand the vocabulary of the senses by examining and liberating their power. Additional inspiration was drawn from the Artist Book Collection at CCS. Each artist book is a testimony of the students’ unique creative journey, discovering their surroundings with a fresh perspective. A book of their senses – a book that makes sense.

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