Category Archives: Marginalia

Cicero – Vom Gemeinwesen

Cicero, Marcus Tullius Vom Gemeinwesen, Lateinisch und Deutsch. Eingeleitet und neu übertragen von Karl Büchner Zürich, Artemis-Verlag [1952] Call #: PA6296 .D8 1952 Contains marginalia, underlining and marginal lining PDF Information: 109 pages – 33.7mb

Aristotle – Politics (The Modern Library)

Aristotle Politics The Modern Library, 1943 Call #: JC71.A41 J6 1943 Arendt copy contained ephemera (see ephemera). Seven handwritten notes, and one typed note were found between pages of book. The notes would appear to function as extended marginalia, though most of the original locations have been lost. Arendt Ephemera file, folder 009. PDF Information: 63

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