Pieper, Josef – The End of Time
Pieper, Josef The End of Time New York, Pantheon Books [1954] Call #: BR115.H5 P513 Contains marginalia, underlining, marginal lining and endpaper notes PDF Information: 8 pages – 2 MB
Pieper, Josef The End of Time New York, Pantheon Books [1954] Call #: BR115.H5 P513 Contains marginalia, underlining, marginal lining and endpaper notes PDF Information: 8 pages – 2 MB
Nietzche, Friedrich Wilhelm Also Sprach Zarathustra Leipzig, A. Kröner, [c1930] Call #: B 3313 .A4 1930 Contains underlining and marginal lining PDF Information: 106 pages – 27 MB
Morgan, Edmund Sears The Birth of the Republic, 1763-89 [Chicago] University of Chicago Press [1956] Call #: E208 .M85 Contains marginalia, underlining & marginal lining PDF Information: 44 pages – 14 MB
Kuhn, Thomas The Structure of Scientific Revolutions [Chicago] University of Chicago Press [1962] Call #: Q175 .K95 1962 Contains underlining and marginal lining PDF information: 27 pages – 9 MB
Koyré, Alexander From the Closed World to the Infinite Universe Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press [1957] Call #: BD511 .K67 1958 Contains marginalia and marginal lining PDF Information: 84 pages – 26 MB
Maritain, Jacques Ransoming the Time New York, C. Scribner’s sons, [c1941] Call #: BX890 .M28 Contains marginalia, underlining and marginal lining PDF Information: 35 pages – 13 MB
Cassirer, Ernst The Myth of the State Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1955 Call #:JC251 .C3 1955 Contains marginal lining PDF Information: 8 pages – 1.3 MB
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm Jenseits von Gut und Böse Liepzig: A. Kröner, 1924 Call #:B3313 .J4 1924 Contains underlining, marginal lining, and endpaper notes PDF Information: 141 pages – 47.5 MB
Scholem, Gershom Gerhard Judaica I Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1963 Call #:BM45 .S44 Contains underlining PDF Information: 25 pages – 6.5 MB
Scholem, Gershom Gerhard Der Lehre vom “Gerechten” in der jüdisehen Mystik Zürich: Rhein-Verlag, 1959 Call #:BF1003 .E7 Bd.27 1958 Inscribed by author PDF Information: 1 page – 139 KB