Menzel, Adolph – Anekdoten von Friedrich dem Großen
Menzel, Adolph Anekdoten von Friedrich dem Großen Leipzig : Insel-Verlag, [19–?] Call#: DD405.32 .A54 1931 Contains inscription PDF Information: 4 pages – 1.5 MB
Menzel, Adolph Anekdoten von Friedrich dem Großen Leipzig : Insel-Verlag, [19–?] Call#: DD405.32 .A54 1931 Contains inscription PDF Information: 4 pages – 1.5 MB
Heisenberg, Werner Wandlungen in den Grundlagen der Naturwissenschaft Zürich, S. Hirzel [©1948] Call#: QC71 .H35 1949 PDF Information: 21 pages – 20.7 MB
Bergson, Henri Durée et simultanéité, à propos de la théorie d’Einstein Paris, F. Alcan, 1926. Call#: BD638 .B4 1926 Contains notes on page before title page PDF Information: 10 pages – 4.6 MB
Freund, Michael 25 Jahre Deutschland (Gütersloh, Wien) Bertelsmann-Sachbuchverl. [1971] Call#: DD259.4 .F8 PDF Information: 4 pages – 1.1 MB
Heisenberg, Werner Physics and philosophy: the revolution in modern science New York : Harper & Row 1962. Call#: QC6 .H34 1962 Contains marginal lining PDF information: 12 pages – 16.5 MB
Bohr, Niels Atomic physics and human knowledge New York : Wiley, 1958. Call#: QC6 .B598 Contains underlining and marginal lining PDF Information:
Portmann, Adolf Die Tiergestalt Basel, F. Reinhardt [1960] Call#: QL799 .P6 1960 Contains marginalia: underlining. PDF Information: 15 pages – 780 KB
The Adams-Jefferson letters Chapel Hill : Published for the Institute of Early American History and Culture at Williamsburg, Va., by the University of North Carolina Press, 1959. Call#: E322 .A516 Contains light underlining and marginal lining in v.2 PDF Information: 20 pages – 1.4 MB
Heisenberg, Werner Philosophic problems of nuclear science New York Pantheon [©1952] Call#: QC71 .H3513 Arendt copy contains marginal lining PDF Information: 27 pages – 2.1 MB
Planck, Max The new science: 3 complete works [New York] : Meridian Books, 1959 Call#: QC6 .P623 Contains marginalia, underlining and marginal lining. Also contained ephemera: a 1957-1958 Princeton- Penn Station train schedule covered with local business advertisements. PDF Information: 77 pages – 5.1 MB