Barker, Ernest, Sir – The political thought of Plato and Aristotle
Barker, Ernest, Sir The political thought of Plato and Aristotle New York : Dover Publication, 1959 Call #: JC72 .B26 Contains underlining PDF Information: 10 pages – 3.5 MB
Barker, Ernest, Sir The political thought of Plato and Aristotle New York : Dover Publication, 1959 Call #: JC72 .B26 Contains underlining PDF Information: 10 pages – 3.5 MB
Jaspers, Karl Vernunft und Existenz; fünf Vorlesungen München, R. Piper [c1960] Call #: B3279.J33 V4 1960 Contains light underlining & moderate marginal lining PDF Information: 55 pages – 42.3 MB
Jaspers, Karl Vernunft und Existenz; fünf vorlesungen Gehalten vom 25. bis 29. März 1935, von Karl Jaspers Groningen, Batavia, J. B. Wolters, 1935 Call #: B3279.J33 V4 1935 Contains underlining, marginal lining & is inscribed by author PDF Information: 38 pages – 43.7 MB
Jaspers, Karl Reason and Existenz; five lectures. Translated with an introd. by William Earle [New York, Noonday Press, 1955] Call #: B3279.J33 V414 Contains light underlining, marginal lining & is inscribed by author PDF Information: 10 pages – 9.1 MB
Jaspers, Karl Aneignung und Polemik; gesammelte Reden und Aufsätze zur Geschichte der Philosophie. Hrsg. von Hans Saner München, R. Piper [1968] Call #: B3279.J31 S32 Contains underlining and marginal lining. Contained ephemera: between pages 168-169, a scrap of paper with a note stating that a named individual from N.Y.U. had called; between pages 200-201, a
Jaspers, Karl Die Frage der Entmythologisierung [von] Karl Jaspers [und] Rudolph Bultmann München, R. Piper [c.1954] Call #: BL51 .J35 Contains marginal lining PDF Information: 44 pages – 3.4 MB
Jaspers, Karl Kleine Schule des philosophischen Denkens München, Piper (1965) Call #: B3279.J33 K6 Contains marginal lining PDF Information: 16 pages – 2.9 MB
Aquinas, Thomas Introduction to Thomas Aquinas New York, Modern Library [1948] Call #: BX890 .T62 E6 1948 Contains underlining, marginal lining and endpaper notes PDF Information: 59 pages – 40.1 MB
Scholem, Gershom Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism Jerusalem, Schocken Publishing House, 1941 Call #: BM723 .S35 Contains inscription, marginal lining, underlining, marginalia, PDF Information: 161 pages – 16 MB
Buchner, Georg Samtliche Werke Und Briefe Liepzig, Insel-Verlag 1922 Call #: PT1828.B6 1922 Contains marginal lining PDF Information: 16 pages – 809 KB