
Studio Change Request Policy and Form

Studio change requests are handled carefully and thoughtfully—balancing and respecting the desires of the student, with the needs and expert advice of the studio instructors.  There are many factors involved; these include the desires of the student, the recommendations of the studio instructors, the educational needs of the student as assessed by the faculty. But they also include  larger institutional factors such as teaching loads of individual instructors, and the balancing of studio sizes.  Studio changes should be rare and a measure of last resort, with the emphasis first being on improving the educational relationship with the currently assigned studio instructor. Whether there is a change of studio instructor or not, the focus is always on the best long-term educational and musical development of the student. 

Students interested in requesting a change of studio instructor should submit the Studio Change Request Form. After submission of the form, there will be a meeting between the director of the conservatory and the student, followed by consultations by the director with the involved studio instructors, and meetings with the student and involved faculty.  All studio change decisions are made by the director of the Conservatory, in close consultation with the faculty members involved.