
Pianist Request Process

Pianist Request Process

The pianists of the Collaborative Piano Fellowship are available to play for lessons, masterclasses, recitals, and the conservatory concerto competition at no cost to Conservatory students. If you would like a piano fellow to play for an outside engagement (such as an off-campus audition, competition or non-Bard related recital), a separate financial arrangement must be made between you and the pianist. The suggested rate for hiring collaborative pianists for outside services is $45/hour.

To request a pianist:

Please submit the online form below well in advance of rehearsals prior to your event. Requests made with less than two weeks notice may not be honored. You will receive an email confirmation of your request within 48hrs of submission and a pianist assignment within one week. 

Link to Form: Piano Fellow Request form

If you have any questions regarding the pianist request process, please reach out to [email protected].

Collaborative practices:

Our Collaborative Piano Fellows are excellent musicians and very hard working. They balance commitments with many different students and teachers. Therefore, please be respectful of their skills, time, and schedule by:

  1. Giving them clean and complete scores early, allowing time for proper preparation
  2. Being punctual to all rehearsals and giving adequate notice (24hr minimum) if plans need to change
  3. Coming to rehearsal prepared by knowing both your part and the piano part well
  4. Appreciating the separate yet equal challenges you and your pianist face in preparing the score
  5. Expressing respect for your collaborator through excellent communication and a cheerful team mindset