
How to submit degree recital program information

How to submit recital program information.

Send the following information in a WORD or Google document to Mary-Liz O’Neill [email protected] thirty days before your recital. You do not need to format anything, we will edit and do the layout as a 2-page program.

    • COMPLETE and ACCURATE list of all works to be performed.
    • Full names of all composers and arrangers.
    • Birth and death dates (where applicable) for all composers and arrangers.
    • Composition dates for contemporary pieces (20th/21st century.)
    • Movements that are being performed.
    • COMPLETE and ACCURATE list of all other musicians performing on your recital, including your pianist partner.
    • A short ( 250-300 word) BIOGRAPHY, including the name of your Bard studio teacher(s), and your expected graduation date and academic major.
    • Program notes are strongly encouraged for undergraduate degree recitals and will be printed separately.
    • TEXTS and TRANSLATIONS – Please coordinate with your advisor.
    • Program notes are required for all VAP recitals.  After your program info, program notes, texts and translations (required for any vocal pieces being performed) have been approved by your VAP advisors, submitted the info via email attachment to [email protected].