
Piano Major Accompanying Requirements

Since the ability to accompany and collaborate with other musicians is an integral skill for all pianists, each semester, all undergraduate piano performance majors in the conservatory will be assigned to play for one or two  of their instrumental colleagues.
  • Responsibilities of the pianist include playing for lessons, studio classes, conservatory and guest faculty master classes, and on-campus and official conservatory performances.  (Playing for off-campus, non-curricular performances are not required but can be negotiated between parties.)
  • Instrumental partners are required to give their piano partners adequate notice so that the pianist has sufficient time to learn the score so that they have time to rehearse together.
  • Pianists may request an instrumental partner, or be assigned to a partner by the co-directors of the Collaborative Piano Fellowship.  Please note that it may not be possible to honor all requests, depending on scheduling or other considerations.
  • Pianists may submit partner requests by the end of the first week of the semester  to Frank Corliss, at [email protected]. Requests may not be accepted after this date. It is recommended that pianists consult with potential partners before submitting a request.  Assignments will be made in the second week of the semester, and all parties notified by email. It is assumed that partnerships will last for the entire academic year.
  • Pianists who have particularly heavy academic loads in any given semester (e.g Senior Project)  may request of release from this requirement for a semester. Requests for release should be made to Frank Corliss  at [email protected].
  • Musical support for partnerships work (i.e. coachings) may be requested through Frank Corliss.
  • Problems or concerns with instrumental partnerships should be brought to the attention of Frank Corliss ([email protected]).