The Bard CEP Eco Reader

Protecting the Environment of New York State: The Legal Arm of the NYSDEC

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) is tasked with the environmental protection of the entire state of New York. This protection comes in many forms, including environmental laws, permitting of activities, and cleaning up contaminated sites. The NYSDEC is divided into 9 regions. Region 2, located in …

Bard CEP Faculty Publish Teaching Module: Regulating Carbon Emissions

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact:  Krista Herbstrith Company Name: Science Education Resource Center Telephone Number: 507-222-5634 Email Address: Web site address: InTeGrate is pleased to announce the publication of the complete Regulating Carbon Emissions module at Developed by Robyn Smyth (Bard College), Sandra Penny (Sage Colleges), Curt Gervich …

Wallkill River Summit Galvanizes Support for the River’s Restoration

On March 28th of this year, nearly a hundred people gathered at SUNY New Paltz for the third Wallkill River Summit, organized by the Wallkill River Watershed Alliance. Gathering together community organizers, officials from the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, local elected leaders and an interested public, the 2017 Wallkill …

Third Annual Asia-Environment Student Research Conference

On April 14-15, forty students from across the country converged onto the Bard Campus to participate in our Third Annual, LIASE-sponsored Student Research Conference on Asia and the Environment. Terrific keynote presentations by Dr. Julia Adeney Thomas and Dr. Darrin Magee were followed by a day of student panels and …

Leadership: The Balance of Empathy and Strength

Given the unusual political climate we find ourselves in, I wanted to learn from an expert who has many years of experience overcoming political barriers. Last week, I had the pleasure of speaking with Sharon Buccino from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Sharon is the Director of the Land …

Bard CEP at the UN: How Profitable is Adaptation to Climate Change?

This article is based on work alumni Judson Peck, ’15 completed for his Capstone Project at Bard CEP for the United National Development Programme’s Climate Change Adaptation team. Reposted from UNDP’s website. Assessing drought and flood-resistant rice seed in Lao PDR By Judson Peck April 27, 2017 – As climate …

Microhydropower: Part of New York’s Clean Energy Future?

Hydropower has a long history in New York State. There are more than 6,000 dams in New York, some dating back to the 1700s. Even through the industrial revolution of the 19th century, dams were the main source of power for running mills and powering machinery. As electric power replaced …

Promoting Science-Based Policies in the Era of “Alternative Facts”

In one episode of NBC’s Parks and Recreation, Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler) tries to pass a bill adding fluoride to the town’s water source.  She’s opposed by a councilman/dentist who wants to continue making money off of the many cavities that occur in the town.  As she discusses the debate, …

The State of Climate Science: CEP Interview with Dr. Michael Mann

On May 3rd, Bard CEP’s National Climate Seminar spoke with reknowned climate scientist Dr. Michael Mann, Director of the Earth System Science Center at Penn State University. Check out the videos below (two parts) for Professor Mann’s take on the state of climate science under the Trump Administration, and the …

Sprawl and Bikes: A History In Tandem

Urban sprawl has negative impacts on human health. The extension of suburbs from US urban centers has increased dependence on automobiles, resulting in the production of air pollutants and contributing to respiratory problems in people of all ages. In the fifty largest US cities, commuters pay an additional $107 billion dollars …