The Bard CEP Eco Reader

Why So Many Predators? Blog From Adjunct Professor Dr. Eleanor Sterling

(cross-posted from Dr. Sterling’s “Scientist at Work” blog from the New York Times) photo credit Kevin Frey This morning I woke up to a huge splash just offshore. I don’t even look any more as I know it is a large predator, either a jack or a shark, feeding in …

Dr. Mara Ranville: What I Did On My Summer Vacation

Professor Ranville passed along an article detailing a bit of her summer vacation: On an oven-hot afternoon this past Saturday, more than 250 people descended on an outdoor pavilion displaying 85 sculptures on tabletops in the Hudson Valley village of Tivoli, NY. They came first to view the sculptures–each one …

C2C Launch Conference at Williams College! 9/24

Dear friends and colleagues, Amidst the wreckage of climate legislation in DC, one thing is clear. This is not the fight of a day, of a year or of a decade. Even had the Senate acted, changing the future would still have required a vibrant, engaged global grassroots movement, pushing …

Director Goodstein’s thoughts on the Rise and Fall of the Climate Movement

Over the last decade, and building especially through Obama’s election, the power of grassroots pressure for clean energy almost got the country past gridlock in D.C.. But now, through media meltdowns around hackergate and “global cooling”, Ted Kennedy’s death and the collapse of the Democratic super-majority, the failure of the …

Oaxaca Report from Professor Sethi

Professors Gautam Sethi just returned from a trip to Oaxaca, Mexico. Here is a report from Professor Sethi about the nature of his trip: My goals to visit Oaxaca were two-fold: 1. To better understand the nature of the water problem and its resolution, as viewed by INSO 2. To …

Dr. Mara Ranville to Climate Change Conference in Tbilisi

Bard CEP Assistant Professor of Environmental Science, Dr. Mara Ranville, attended an international conference on “Climate Change Curricula in Higher Education” from June 7-9, 2010, in Tbilisi, Georgia.  The conference was intended to establish new international collaborations in climate change education; foster international comparisons and exchanges of curricula and pedagogical …


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