This spring, we launched an application for C3: Campus to Careers Camp, C2C Fellow’s first ever second-round professional training. Fellows were asked to explain, in a short video, why they wanted to attend further training on Social Innovation and Leadership, or Leading a Political Campaign.
While we were unable to hold C3 this year, the applicants’ videos stood out as examples of innovative solutions to sustainability challenges, and we wanted to be able to share them with you. Learn more about our Fellows and their ideas in this series of short profiles.
Daniel Rich is studying GeoDesign at Philadelphia University. Check out his work!
He attended the Bard 2014 Workshop this past February.
1. When/how did you first hear about C2C Fellows?
“I first heard about the C2C Fellows program through the Environmental Sustainability program at our University. Even though I am an Architecture major I have a minor in ES which allowed me to receive emails from the major, including the one emphasizing C2C.”
2. Describe C2C Fellows in 3 words.
3. What was the most important skill that you personally acquired at the C2C workshop?
“What I gained from C2C was the ability to share topics or skills that I traditional think are not of great importance (i.e. GIS) but in reality turn out to be huge conversation starters and are important to many.”
4. What are you doing now?
“Finishing my 5 year Bachelor of Architecture degree at Philadelphia University. Graduating in May and going to pursue the MS Geodesign degree and be an on campus Resident Assistant for the 2014-2015 school year.”
5. Has your perspective regarding sustainability/climate change changed in the last few years? If so, how?
“I regard sustainability as something to be practiced, not just in academia but as a lifelong profession. I used to look down on people who practiced sustainability because I did not think they were cut out for other majors or careers. However, I realized that these people are highly intelligent, resourceful, and mindful about what they do and how they impact others. The ideas related to sustainability may be “out there” sometimes but they have the potential to affect and change all of our lives for the better.”