Did you know that Red Hook, the town in which Bard is located, has a Conservation Advisory Council? The CAC was established in 1976 after the Town Board recognized that “establishment of a Conservation Advisory Council is a necessary step in fostering unified action on environmental problems.”
Molly Williams, Bard CEP‘s Graduate Admissions Coordinator, has been a volunteer member of the CAC since February 2010 and has participated in CAC initiatives since she graduated from CEP in Spring 2008. Currently, her work with the CAC is focused on a new and exciting campaign called the 10% Challenge.
The Town of Red Hook has signed onto the 10% Challenge –an effort spearheaded by Sustainable Hudson Valley to reduce Red Hook’s climate emissions by 10% and get 10% of the community actively involved the challenge. The CAC is planning community events related to 10 energy reduction themes taking place over the next year, with focused action on the Global Work Party day: 10/10/2010.
Today, 20 Americorps and SCA volunteers are canvassing Red Hook to raise awareness about the 10% Challenge, an opportunity afforded to Red Hook for being the first community to sign up for the challenge. The Americorps workers will be providing information on Central Hudson and NYSERDA rebate programs, signing people up for the Challenge, and providing giveaways, including coupons to local businesses, 10% Challenge bumper stickers, and a free energy efficient light bulb. The free CFL and 10% Challenge bumper stickers were funded by a grant from Clean Air, Cool Planet that both Molly and Brenda Cagle, Chair of the CAC, helped to secure. Another leader in the 10% Challenge is Laurie Husted, Bard’s Environmental Resources Auditor, who is also a member of the Red Hook CAC, Red Hook Together, and Bard’s new Sustainability Council.
Molly has been involved in other CAC efforts, including securing 3 grants from NYSERDA, two of which have funded PV systems for the town hall and fire house roofs, which will cover almost 100% of the electricity needs for those buildings. The third grant is to hire an energy manager for the town, who will extend volunteer efforts full time and build capacity for Red Hook’s climate and energy initiatives.

Click HERE to a post on CEP’s Portal Detailing the 10/10/2010 Events!