What I learned during my time with The Nature Conservancy
Hello! I spent the first four months of our internship period with The Nature Conservancy in Dublin, Ohio. My title was Conservation Benefits Intern and I had one task while I was there: write a research paper on the benefits (economic, social, and environmental) of investing in federal and state …
Wine Tasting and Bicycling Don’t Mix Well…
Hey there fellow BCEPers, Keith here. I’m just hanging out in San Francisco enjoying the consistently beautiful weather and consistently infuriating fog. As most of you know I got a late start on the internships and have only been in San Francisco a couple months now. Therefore, this is …
Peace Corps Ghana- Plenty Busy
Hello! So here it is, my first post at site as a fully-committed Peace Corps Volunteer! I’ve been in Ghana for four months now, and have completed a whole 1/24th of my service at site . So far, it’s been going well! The ups and downs have been a …
The Business Case for Sustainability
The Bard CEP National Climate Seminar Fall 2011 series continued yesterday with a conversation with Hunter Lovins, President and founder of Natural Capitalism Solutions, entitled “Climate Capitalism.” In Lovins’ view, “the business case is the strongest weapon for saving life on this planet.” If we drive sustainability in our businesses …
Reflecting on a summer with Worldwatch
This summer I interned at the Worldwatch Institute in Washington, D.C. My formal title was Climate and Energy Research Intern, and that title is pretty reflective since I spent nearly 100 percent of my time researching and writing. I worked on Worldwatch’s low-carbon development in Caribbean nations initiative specializing in …
Rethinking Finance for Sustainability
Direct link to lecture audio file This past Wednesday, the Bard Center for Environmental Policy (Bard CEP) and Levy Economics Institute hosted a public lecture entitled “Finance for Sustainability.” Bard CEP director, Eban Goodstein, moderated the presentation by finance experts John Fullerton and Rick Stuckey of the Capital Institute, who …
Protected: Pushing the building envelope: An update on project management for measuring carbon savings from energy efficiency installations in existing buildings
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Protected: Environmental Protection Agency-Office of Research and Development
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Eban leaves the White House
Bard Environment Director Arrested at White House Civil Disobedience Designed to Impact Obama Pipeline Decision Sept 2, Annandale-on-Huson, NY– The Director of the Bard Center for Environmental Policy, Eban Goodstein, was arrested in front of the White House on Thursday. Goodstein joined over 800 peaceful protesters sent to jail over …