Join us! On March 11th at 12pm EST, C2C Fellows launches the second C2C Fellows Exclusive opportunity – Leadership 4 Lunch!
Remember that first conversation we had about C2C Fellows participating in the climate talks in Doha? The quest to become a leader does not stop after your introduction to the C2C Fellows network – it’s about what you do next.
We encourage C2C Fellows to continue their leadership training—and we offer a few scholarships each year to specific training initiatives to take it to the next level. On March 11th, we’ll have four partnering leadership institutes on the phone to describe their programs and answer your questions. And on March 18th? We’ll launch the C2C Fellows application process to attend StartingBloc’s Institute for Social Innovation this summer!
Call in (details below) to hear about training workshops offered by:
-’s Workshops
- StartingBloc’s Institute for Social Innovation
- Wellstone Action’s Camp Wellstone
- The Regenerative Institute’s Ecology of Leadership
Dial in: 712-432-3100
Conference Code: 253385
One of the most well known climate change nonprofits, organizes workshops around the world focused on leadership, organizing, and communication. Combining the three together is necessary in order to solve the issue of climate change. staff members facilitate 1-5 day workshops teaching from their “organizing toolkit,” which focuses on leadership and team building, starting a movement and a campaign, story telling, and media. Upcoming workshops will be held in: Nashville, TN; Minneapolis, MN; Portland, ME; and Burlington,VT.
Focusing on combining economic and social impact, StartingBloc’s Institute for Social Innovation includes modules on
- Intrapreneurship
- Social entrepreneurship
- Cross sector partnerships
- Sustainability.

In sessions led by academics, corporate innovators, social entrepreneurs, activists, and government officials, students of StartingBloc are taught how to take a fresh look at global issues. C2C Fellows are able to apply for a $1,000 scholarship to attend the June 6-10th workshop in New York City. The application process for this scholarship will be announced in mid-March.
Camp Wellstone
At Camp Wellstone, political candidates, campaign workers, and organizers come together to learn how to run a progressive campaign. Attendees can narrow their focus based on their role in a campaign and learn from some of the nation’s leading experts.

Using Paul and Sheila Wellstone’s Wellstone Triangle, attendees learn about:
- Progressive public policy
- Grassroots community organizing
- Grassroots electoral politics.
The best part—C2C Fellows are eligible for a $1,000 scholarship to attend this workshop.
The Ecology of Leadership
Ecology of Leadership (EOL) is a 5 month program that provides attendees with a “Leadership Tool Bag”:
- Communication
- Project development
- Stewardship
- Creating and honoring commitments
- Inner permaculture
- Effective time management
- Coaching skills
The EOL workshops are designed for nonprofit and community leaders, eco-social entrepreneurs, and others interested in making a positive difference in the world.

Make sure to join the C2C Fellows network to learn more about these amazing opportunities. Call in on March 11th from 12-1 pm EST – and let’s have Leadership 4 Lunch.
Dial in: 712-432-3100
Conference Code: 253385
Posted by Serafina Zeringo, MS’14 Environmental Policy candidate and C2C Program Assistant at Bard College Center for Environmental Policy