Notes from the Chair, Uncategorized

Medievalist Candidate

Candidate for the tenure-track Medieval Position in Art History

Beatrice Kitzinger
Stanford University

will give a talk:
“Manuscript Space and the Material Cross in the Late Eighteenth Century”

Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Reem Kayden Science Bldg. 102
6:00 pm

Sponsored by the Office of the Dean and the Art History Program

Notes from the Chair

Medievalist Candidate

Candidate for the tenure-track Medieval Position in Art History

Christopher R. Lakey
John Hopkins University
will give a talk:
“On the aspect of things: The Relief-Image and the Paradox of Perspective in the Middle Ages”

St. George Killing the Dragon, Cathedral of St. George, Ferrara (1135)

St. George Killing the Dragon, Cathedral of St. George, Ferrara (1135)

Thursday, March 14, 2013
Reem Kayden Science Bldg. 102
6:00 pm

Sponsored by the Dean of the College and the Art History Program

Notes from the Chair

Medievalist Candidate


Candidate for the tenure-track
Medieval Position in Art History

K A T H E R I N E   M.  B O I V I N

University of Montreal
will give a presentation:

Passing Below to Rise Above:
Medieval Church Passageways as Dynamic Interface

St. Jakob in Rothenburg ob der Tauber.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Reem Kayden Science Bldg. 102
6:00 pm
Sponsored by the Dean of the College and the Art History Program

Student Opportunities

Thomas Cole Internship Opportunity


The Thomas Cole National Historic Site (TCNHS) will select one to two interns for the spring, summer and/or fall semester.
Selected candidates will gain experience in several areas of museum management and art historical research by participation in:
Research and interpretation of the home and studio of Thomas Cole (1801-1848), now widely considered to be the founder of the Hudson River School of Painting, the first major art movement in the United States.
Leading tours of the historic house and grounds
Professional Development: interns will have the opportunity to work closely with staff on day-to-day activities involved in running a not-for-profit historic house and/or a special project taking shape during the semester.
The Thomas Cole National Historic Site consists of Thomas Cole’s c. 1815 Federal-era brick home, his 1839 studio, and other historic structures on five landscaped acres with magnificent views of the Catskill Mountains. Interns are provided the chance to work closely with the education, collections, and exhibition staff on various projects. Pending the season this includes  exhibition installation, archive and collection inventory, conducting tours and programs, daily office operations, research related to the collections, and full engagement in interpretive programming.  Interns also observe and participate in a variety of staff meetings to learn the structural, strategic, and operational decisions at play in an historic house museum.
Internships are unpaid, though many candidates arrange credit through their respective school.  Interns are asked to commit to a minimum of 16 hours per week for the agreed-upon duration of the internship, which typically lasts three months but can be flexible.
Qualifications: The TCNHS seeks self-motivated undergraduate students and recent graduates who have expressed a commitment to careers in a history or art museum, exhibition and collection management,  and/ or  museum education. A background, passion for, or study of history, art history, material culture, decorative arts, museum studies and/or museum education are ideal. Applicants should have strong organizational abilities, an affinity for public speaking, and computer skills, including Microsoft scanning and image software.
How to Apply:  Send a cover letter describing your interests and goals along with a complete resume to:
Melissa Gavilanes, Director of Education, [email protected] or via mail attn: Melissa Gavilanes, Thomas Cole National Historic Site, PO Box 426, Catskill, NY 12414. For further information or questions please email above or by phone call T: 518-943-7465 x 5.   For general information about Thomas Cole National Historic Site, upcoming programming and exhibitions, and future events, please visit


Vitrine Exhibition: Album Covers by David Stone Martin for Mary Lou Williams

Illustrator David Stone created album covers
for Pianist and Composer Mary Lou Williams

Although their brief love affair ended, they maintained
a life long connection. She helped him get his start as
an illustrator of record albums– the field in which
he made his fame and fortune and he in turn created
some of his most memorable record covers for her.

View the online catalogue:

Vitrine Exhibition in Charles P. Stevenson Library
Opening Reception, February 13th, 5:00-6:30 pm


Bard Students Sponsor Hurricane Relief Art Benefit

Dear Bardians,

Two months ago we ventured out to The Rockaways with a team of young artists, curators, documentarians and anthropologists. We witnessed the devastating effects of Superstorm Sandy firsthand, and immediately committed ourselves to aiding its victims.

Hurricane Sandy will come to be the second or third most costly natural disaster in U.S. history. As you are well aware, many of our neighboring communities are suffering. We have seen unprecedented damage to our city’s infrastructure and the homes and businesses of our fellow New Yorkers. Entire communities were washed away and thousands were left homeless and without power. Such a disaster requires the support of those able and willing to help.

We are calling out for your support at our Hurricane Relief Art Benefit to take place at China Chalet on Saturday, February 16th.  Each member of our team works within the wide array of non-profit art organizations in New York City, giving us the essential experience to make this event a success. The one bright spot of Hurricane Sandy is that it presents an opportunity to build a cross-disciplinary network of solidarity. The art benefit will feature a range of donated works of various media from a host of emerging young artists, and will be in the form of a silent auction. We believe that tragedies can bring us closer together when we work to a common purpose.

All money raised will be donated directly to The Occupy Sandy Relief Effort. Your donation will be instrumental in either providing support to individuals in urgent need (Emergency Fund), reconstructing community infrastructure (Recovery Projects Fund), or facilitating the long-term, self-determined, rehabilitation of affected communities (Participatory Fund).  Further, Occupy Sandy has taken care to assure that the relief effort be as ecologically sustainable as possible.

If you would like to be recognized as patron of the China Chalet Art Benefit we urge you to donate to our cause or match the money we raise through art sales and entrance fees. To donate through PayPal visit our website with all the information about the show:

If you have any questions regarding the details of the benefit, or would simply like to share your thoughts, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]. Thank you for taking the time to consider our proposition. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you!

Warm wishes,

Lolita Cros, Shelby Jackson,

Sofia Geld, Rebeca Hunt

Faculty News

“Living in a Material World” curated by Patricia Karetzky at SUNY Orange








For more information:

Student Opportunities

Call for Applications – 2013 Cole Fellowships




The Thomas Cole National Historic Site (TCNHS) is now reviewing applications for fellows to participate in the research and interpretation of the work, home, and studio of Thomas Cole (1801 – 1848). Three applicants will be selected to join the site from May 29 – November 3, 2013. 

The Thomas Cole National Historic Site (TCNHS) preserves and interprets the home and studios of Thomas Cole, the founder of the Hudson River School of painting, the nation’s first art movement. Cole’s profound influence on America’s cultural landscape inspires us to engage broad audiences through educational programs that are relevant today. TCNHS consists of Thomas Cole’s c. 1815 Federal-era brick home, his 1839 studio, and other historic structures on five landscaped acres with magnificent views of the Catskill Mountains. 

Through a combination of research, interpretation, and hands-on projects, Cole Fellows are afforded an opportunity to conduct significant research and to gain professional museum experience. 

Selected candidates will have the opportunity to: 

+ Conduct in-depth research that leads to a major project or paper based on her/his work over the season.

+ Lead tours of the historic site and have full engagement in interpretive programming.

+ Reporting directly to and working with the Collection and Exhibition Manager, Fellows also have the chance to work closely with the Executive Director, Education Director, and other staff; projects include collection care and research, educational programming, audience evaluation, and special events.

+ Participate in staff meetings and learn about the structural, strategic, and creative decisions involved in the day to day operations of a historic house museum.

+ Make field trips to area museums and historic venues, meet other museum professionals, participate in presentations and assigned readings, and benefit from professional development opportunities, including resume review, and next step planning for each Fellow based on individual interests and career goals.

Free shared housing at the site is provided, as well as a monthly stipend of $300. Fellows are responsible for utilities, food, and other living expenses. Participation for the entire season, May 29 –November 3, is required. 

Qualifications: TCNHS seeks self-motivated recent graduates, graduating college seniors, and graduate students who have expressed a commitment to pursue careers in history, art, material culture, decorative arts, collection and exhibition management, research, museum studies, and/or education. Applicants should be organized, energetic, have a passion for art and ideas, and an affinity for working with the public. A car is helpful, but not required. 

How to Apply: APPLICATIONS will be accepted now through FEBRUARY 20, 2013. *** Candidates who submit their applications on or before JANUARY 15, 2013, will also be eligible to apply with TCNHS for an annual grant in an amount up to $5,000. Interviews with potential candidates are going on now. To be considered, please send the following to Kate Menconeri, Collection & Exhibition Manager, [email protected] (PDF files only) or via mail attn: Kate, Thomas Cole National Historic Site, 218 Spring St. PO Box 426, Catskill, NY 12414.

 Cover letter describing your interest and goals

 Resume

 References – include names and contact info for 3

 Writing sample (2 to 5 pages)


For general questions, please email [email protected] or call: 518-943-7465 x 2. For general information about Thomas Cole National Historic Site, upcoming programming and exhibitions, and future events, please visit 

Thomas Cole National Historic Site, 218 Spring St. PO Box 426, Catskill, NY 12414 / 

Student Opportunities

Shelburne Museum Summer Internships

Position Announcement

Summer 2013 Education Interns




Description: The positions run from June 3, 2013 to August 9, 2013.
In this fast-paced, hands-on internship successful candidates will work in one or more of several education department programmatic areas: summer camps; family programs and activities; special events; and adult programming.  Interns will work as camp counselors, assist with logistical planning, set up, and execution of special day and evening events, and work in the family activity center.  Interns also may be assigned to conduct research, fill in as exhibition guides, and perform other duties.  Expect some long days, significant logistical work in preparation for events and on-going public interaction.

Experience and Skills: 

Candidates must be comfortable working with diverse publics.  Experience working with children in academic or informal learning environments – school, camps, museums, etc. — required. Art-making and instructional experience desired. Previous customer service work experience desired. Friendly, can-do attitude necessary, with good time management skills and ability to successfully juggle multiple responsibilities. Ability to work independently, as well as cooperatively, within the intern and education department teams and with staff from across the museum. Excellent verbal and written communications skills.

Current college sophomores-seniors may apply. Academic experience in studio art, art history, education, museum studies or similar. Valid driver’s license to operate Museum vehicles, required. Ability to lift 35 lbs; ability to walk and stand for significant periods of time.

Compensation :  Stipend of $2,000 plus housing at the Museum’s historic Brickhouse located two miles from the Museum campus.

Application Process
To apply send brief cover letter, resume, two references, one letter of recommendation, and a list of relevant courses, grades, and overall GPA.  Address application materials to Megan Zinner, HR, Shelburne Museum, P.O. Box 10, Shelburne, VT, 05482.  Application materials and questions can be emailed to Ms. Zinner at [email protected]



Sara Frier ’09 and Samuel Luterbacher

Alum Sara Frier will speak about her current research.

“Morality in Motion: Macabre Rosaries from 16th Century Northern Europe”

Rosary Bead, Germany, ca. 1500-1525, ivory, silver, gift, MET Museum, NY












Thursday, November 15, 2012, 5:30 pm,
Reem Kayden Science Auditorium
Reception to follow.

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